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Hernia Repair Specialist

Einas Joseph, MD -  - General Surgeon

Oakland General Surgery

Einas Joseph, MD

General Surgeon located in Rochester Hills, MI

Hernias can be painful and might develop potentially life-threatening complications, but hernia repair surgery can resolve these problems. If you have a hernia, Einas Joseph, MD, of Oakland General Surgery in Rochester Hills, Michigan, can help. Dr. Joseph is an experienced general surgeon with considerable expertise in performing hernia repair using both open and minimally invasive robotic-assisted techniques. Find out how you can benefit from her experience by calling Oakland General Surgery today, or book an appointment online.

Hernia Repair Q&A

What is a hernia?

A hernia occurs if an organ (or part of one) protrudes through a weak spot in your body into another area. Types of hernia include:

Inguinal hernias

Inguinal hernias are a common kind of hernia that occurs in the inguinal canal — an opening in your groin under the layers of abdominal muscle. Parts of the intestine can protrude through weak spots in this vulnerable area.

Ventral hernia 

A ventral or abdominal hernia is where tissue (commonly a section of the intestine) pushes through the muscular wall of your abdomen. Incisional hernias are a kind of ventral hernia that happens after surgery when the intestine pokes through the surgical scar.

Femoral hernia

Femoral hernias affect the femoral canal, which is just below your inguinal ligament. A femoral hernia typically appears as a lump just below your groin or thigh.

Umbilical hernia

Umbilical hernias are lumps of fatty tissue or intestine that protrude through a defect in your belly button.

Why would I need hernia repair surgery?

Hernia repair might be necessary if your hernia is particularly painful or you develop complications that require emergency surgery. Hernia repair can also help to prevent problems like strangulation.

Strangulation is where the hernia blocks your digestive tract or cuts off the blood supply to your intestines. It can cause severe pain, infection, and tissue death and is a medical emergency. Dr. Joseph might recommend you undergo a hernia repair before this happens.

What does hernia repair involve?

A common form of hernia repair is the use of special surgical mesh that supports the weakened area and helps reduce the likelihood of new hernias forming.

Hernia repair is often suitable for the da Vinci® robotic-assisted surgical system, a minimally invasive laparoscopic technique. With this type of surgery, Dr. Joseph uses the robotic arm to make 3-4 small incisions in your abdomen and insert a laparoscope — an instrument with a light and a camera.

The laparoscope's camera sends back images of your hernia that Dr. Joseph uses to view the surgery site, so there's no need for large, open wounds.

If you have a hernia, contact Oakland General Surgery to find out about hernia repair options. Call the office today, or book an appointment online.